Our Purpose

Through evangelistic outreach, MEN4CHRIST seeks to present the Gospel to the lost and offer opportunities for study and spiritual growth, specifically in areas that foster leadership in the lives of Christian men all across this country. We seek to bolster the leadership potential of Christian laymen and provide them with tools to make them more effective for Christ in their daily walk. We are looking to God to raise up a stronger more passionate generation of lay-leaders for Him. We desire to see the lost come to Christ, and enable both young and mature Christian brothers to be more effective for God in their homes, before their peers, and before a world in need. We further seek to help our Christian brothers understand that living a life fulfilled comes only by living a life that is completely and wholly committed to God. It is the conviction of MEN4CHRIST that we are taking a very specific message to men today and are asking God to perform a mighty, transforming work in our midst.

Statement of Faith

There is only one true and living God. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and while all three are distinct in their characteristics and attributes, they are the inseparable triune God.

That the Bible was written by men, but divinely inspired, and represents God’s revelation of Himself to man. The Word is infallible and the final standard by which we as the body of Christ live, serve, and look forward toward His return.

That salvation is freely offered to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and has nothing to do with man’s works, but rather, man’s acceptance of Christ’s finished work on the cross and resurrection from the grave, to save man from his sin.

That the church is, per the Scripture, the body and bride of Christ, governed by the Word of God and the Lordship of Christ.

That it is the duty and privilege of each believer to make disciples of all nations, both verbally and by Christian lifestyle, (demonstrating Christ by how we live our lives for Him).

That God’s people should seek first to glorify Him and fulfill His commandments and commission, notwithstanding denominational boundaries, but rather in a spirit of cooperation so that His purposes may be achieved and all may come to know the salvation and grace God so freely gives.

That one day, Christ is coming back to claim those who have accepted Him and they will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.